Chiropodist or Foot Health Practitioner?

What’s the difference between a podiatrist, chiropodist & a Foot Health Practitioner (FHP)

Podiatrists who perform podiatry and Chiropodists who perform chiropody are similarly trained to a degree level and are both registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Both titles are protected by law and professionals are qualified and insured . Both professions treat, diagnosis and prevent conditions of the lower limb including the use of surgery, orthotics, biomechanics and some specialise in certain areas such as sports, paediatrics, vascular, and acute diabetic care.

Foot Health Practitioners (FHP) are qualified and insured professionals who carry out all the essential foot health maintenance treatments including corns, callus, diabetic foot care, nail cutting, general foot care, verrucas, fungal infections and athletes foot to name a few.

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